Creative Ways to Give Gifts

Creative Ways to Give Gifts

Gift giving ideas jewelry on stuffed animal

It's all about presentation.

Adorn a Stuffed Animal

Have the animal 'wear' the jewelry if it's a necklace, bracelet or earrings. Tie a ring on a ribbon around its neck.

Inside a Nut

Yes, it's true. For small pieces of jewelry, carefully open a walnut and scoop out its contents. Put some felt in it and nestle your jewelry inside. Then close it up and wrap it with a ribbon for a truly creative way to give a gift!

On a Platter

Take her out to eat at her favorite restaurant. Prearrange with the staff to bring out her gift on a platter. We do not recommend dropping it in her drink of stuffing it into her food!

Gift Giving Ideas Present In Case

It's about the delivery, too.

Surprise Delivery

Have a friend or a company deliver a bouquet of flowers. Put your gift inside the flowers, or tie it around the vase with a ribbon.

Scavenger Hunt

Write clues that take her around the house, the neighborhood or even the city! Use places that are meaningful, or that give clues to your gift.

Surprise her at Fox Fine Jewelry

Write her a sweet note and bring it to us. We'll place your note with your gift in a preselected location. Want it in the window? Where she last saw her favorite piece of jewelry? We'll help you surprise her!

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